Lunio Studios has a decade of success in the animation and video production field. A respected industry leader sought out by world-renowned brands such as Samsung, Honda, Ogilvy & Mather, Tata and the list goes on. Why do industry leaders keep coming to us? Because we offer quick, innovative, and high-quality solutions. We understand your needs, you ask and we deliver.

Now, after making a wave in the animation and video production industry, we realized that it was time for us to take a giant leap forward keeping in mind our acumen and technical know-how. Hence, we started assisting our existing clients with 360-degree marketing services. And after observing the impressive results, we officially began our 360-degree advertising and marketing service wing.


As a business, we have youth, enthusiasm, and experience on our side. Creativity can not be measured, but when it comes to results, the numbers do not lie. Since our birth in 2010, we have brought over 4,000 successful projects to completion. The 500+ clients we have worked with have graciously given us an opportunity to shine. We’re proud to say we have made good on this offer by delivering the unique, honest work they deserve.

Moving into the unknown requires vision and faith. We here at Magic Lunio anamation make it our daily duty, to strive, and diligently bring our vision to life. We aim to bring the greatest advertising and marketing tools available, to brands and companies large and small. Our services help you get the results you deserve. Our ideology and dedication to delivering for clients have brought us tremendously far in 10 years, who knows what the future will hold? At Lunio Group, that future is bright!

© Lunio Group 2022