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UNDP Business + Human Rights Awareness Videos

Campaign context

The Indian Constitution consists of a complex framework of laws pertaining to labour rights and environmental rights. These needed to be simplified to promote ease of doing business by making businesses aware of them as well as educating other stakeholders about the laws in case of violations. Through our partnership with UNDP India, we aimed to break down the legal complexities of the campaign into easy to understand, animated video content.

The Challenge:

UNDP India proposed a ‘National Action Plan (NAP)’ to address any legal gaps and suggest stronger reforms with respect to labour rights and environmental rights to induce business respect for human rights. However, there was very low awareness among both businesses and a labour group about the NAP. To add to this, many stakeholders from both sides were uninformed about the intrinsic link between labour rights and environmental rights on one hand and sustainable economic development on the other. The challenge before us was to present the highlights of the National Action Plan policy in easy-to-understand yet compelling audio-visual assets. The challenge was raised a notch due to the diverse target group of the campaign ranging from government officials to business entities to local stakeholders.

The Process:

Our campaign process unfolded by deciphering the legal language of the policy document and simplifying the content in the form of engaging scripts for labour rights and environmental rights each. We worked directly with not only the UNDP India team but also coordinated with members of the UNDP team based in Bangkok. The scripts were then developed into visually convincing storyboards.
We chose 2D animation style supported by an effective voiceover and sombre music to bring out the content of the videos in a strong way. One of the key reasons we chose 2D animations to engage viewers is because they are minimal, clear and do not overwhelm their audience. Their simple feel would put viewers at ease. The aim was to convey a complex message in a short, attractive, palatable way. We created generic characters and purposely avoided enhanced facial features to make the video more relatable to masses; anyone could see themselves in the scenarios played out in the videos. The characters were supported by vibrant backgrounds that brought the script alive.The voiceover dubbing was orchestrated entirely in a work-from-home situation by our team, overcoming the hurdle posed by a countrywide Covid-19 lockdown.
Even by working remotely, we used our expertise of handling projects to create a cohesive campaign featuring two clean, informative videos that perfectly met the brief.

Campaign Overview

Campaign Duration - 6 months | Execution - 2D Animation videos | Languages- Hindi/English | Beneficiaries - Government officials, business houses, labour right/environment right activists | Release - Pan-India release on social media - UNDP official YouTube channel

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